STEP-BY-STEP TUTORIAL on sewing the Teddy Kids/Teens Jacket
#SATeddyKidsJacket & #SATeddyTeensJacket
Please note this tutorial differs slightly from the “Style Arc” constructions sheet
1. With right sides facing sew one set of the pockets to the front side seam, see notches on the pattern, clip at the notches and sew an understitch close to the seam on the side of the pocket bag (A). Press pocket towards the inside.
2. With right sides facing sew the second set of pockets to the pockets that are sewn to the front side seam, stitch the two pocket bags together creating a pocket (B), note that the straight edge of the under pocket is left free to sew to the back-body’s side seam. With overlocker/serger neaten around the pocket bags.
3. Fuse nominated pieces, collar, and front facings. With right sides facing sew the curved edge of the front facings to the collar, starting at the centre front and stopping at the notch. Do the same for the front pieces as well, ensuring one front and one front facing piece are opposite each other. Once sewn press all seams open.
4. With overlocker/serger neaten the outside and top edge of the front facing piece.
5. On the front body fold and press the front hem towards the inside at the notch. With right sides facing sew the base front facing to the hem of the front body, push seam up.
6. With right sides facing press the collar in half, lengthways, matching seams together.
7. With right sides facing sew the zip to the front, starting at the middle notch of the collar and stitching down to the hem notch. Do this for both sides of the front, careful not to catch the front facing.
8. With right sides facing, pin the front facing piece to the front body, sandwiching the zip in the middle. Once in place sew down, turn out and press. From the correct side of the fabric sew a topstitch down the zip from the top of the collar to the base of the hem.
9. With right sides facing sew the front and back shoulder seams together, neaten with overlocker/serger and press to the back. Place the facing shoulder seam on top of the shoulder seam and stitch down through previous seam.
10. With right sides facing sew the front side seam to the to the back side seam, start sewing the seams together at the underarm, and continue down the side seam stitching through the straight edge of the back pocket as you sew, be careful not to catch the front pocket opening (A).
11. With overlocker/serger neaten the bottom hem. Cut the hem elastic to your personal length and pin each end of the elastic inside of the hem turn back starting in line with the outer edge of the front facing, refer to markings on the pattern. Fold hem turnback to the inside and stitch down along the top edge of the turnback, stretching the elastic as you sew.
12. With right sides facing the outer collar to the back neck. Push seam towards the collar. Turn the inner collar seam inwards and stitch down and edge stitch to the back neck.
13. With right sides facing sew the underarm sleeve seams together. Neaten with overlocker/serger and press to the back. Neaten with overlocker/serger the bottom hem of each sleeve.
14. Cut the sleeve elastic to your personal length, lay the short ends on top of each other and sew together, securely. Lay the elastic inside the sleeve turnback and pin in place, turn elastic and fabric towards the inside and sew around the top edge of the hem, stretching the elastic as you sew.
15. With right sides facing sew the sleeves into the armholes, matching notches as you sew. Neaten with overlocker/serger around the armhole and press towards the sleeve.
16 Lightly press your new jacket.