How to Sew Double Welt / Jetted Pockets
Step 1
Fuse noted pieces. Lay welts on right side of a piece & stitch between notches.

Step 2
Fold welts & cut main fabric forming corners at ends. Cut corners 2mm from seam.

Step 3
Pull welts through cut & form neat binds at each end (depending on the design you can fold welts unevenly – e.g. bottom welt can cover the whole cut up to top edge). Then press to secure welts.

Step 4
Fold main fabric over & stitch corners/seams to welts.
Step 5
Then stitch seam to folded lower welt.

Step 6
Attach facing to pocket bag.
Step 7
Attach pocket bag to lower welt from inside.

Step 8
Then attach opposite edge of pocket bag to upper welt from inside.

Step 9
Finally sew side edges of pocket bag. You may press to flatten pocket bags.
How to Sew single Welt Pockets

Step 1
Fuse noted pieces. Lay welts on right side of a piece & stitch between notches.

Step 2
Fold welts & cut main fabric forming corners at ends. Cut corners 2mm from seam.

Step 3
Pull lower welt through cut & form neat bind at lower edge to cover the whole cut up to top edge. Pull the lower welt through the cut & lay flat. Then press to secure welts.

Step 4
Fold main fabric over & stitch corners/seams to welts.
Step 5
Then stitch seams to folded welts.

Step 6
Attach pocket bag to lower welt from inside.

Step 7
Then attach opposite edge of pocket bag to upper welt from inside.

Step 8
Finally sew side edges of pocket bag. You may press to flatten pocket bags.

Step 9
To secure the pocket shape you can stitch in the ditch around the pocket welts from the right side.