Onesie Knit Womens Add-ons

2024 TUTORIALS - 2024-09-03T143502.892


2024 TUTORIALS - 2024-09-06T104041.674

2024 TUTORIALS - 2024-09-06T104945.805

PP16 POINTED EARS – fold the pleats at the notches and baste to secure in place. With right sides together sew one piece main to one piece contrast along the longer sides. Turn through to right side, (the contrast will be the inside of the ear) and insert finished ear into mid-hood seam (between PP10 BACK HOOD and PP9 FRONT HOOD).

PP17 POINTED TAIL – with right sides together sew the 2 long edges. Turn to the right side and stitch into the centre back body tail area.

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PP14 WIDE NOSE – with right sides together sew the round edge, inserting the straight edge of PP15 POINTED TEETH as you sew. Insert the finished nose into front edge of the hood. Attach PP13 SPOT BLACK EYE/NOSE to top of nose as per the sketch.

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To make the EYES – sew one felt PP13 SPOT BLACK EYE/NOSE onto each PP28 OUTER EYE. Position them on the hood and stitch to secure them into place.

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2024 TUTORIALS - 2024-09-06T112237.988