Neaten each centre front seam of the bodice with an overlocker/serger. With right sides facing sew the centre front bodice seams together, start at the waist and stitch up to the marking on the pattern, 6mm (¼”) before the neck edge. Press the seam open.
With right sides facing sew the centre back bodice seams together. Neaten with an overlocker/serger and press towards the right.
With right sides together sew the front and back shoulder seams together. Neaten with an overlocker/serger and press towards the back.
With right sides together sew the centre front facing seams together stopping 6mm (¼”) before the cut edge.
With right sides together sew the front and back shoulder seams of the facings together and press open. Neaten around the outer edge of the facing with an overlocker/serger.
With right sides together pin the neck facing to the neck, once in place sew together starting at the star * marking at the centre front and stitch around the neck finishing back at the centre front.
Press the neck seam towards the facing and understitch close to the seam on the side of the facing.
Pin the facing to the body and sew a topstitch around the overlocked outer edge of the facing.
With right sides together sew the side seams of the front and back body together. Neaten with an overlocker/serger and press towards the back.
Double turn the sleeve hems at the notches and topstitch.
Make the two buttonholes as marked on the front skirt. These are for the ties to be threaded through.
Neaten each side seam of the front and back skirts with an overlocker/serger. With right sides facing sew the back and front side seams together stopping at the notch that indicates the split opening, be sure to backstitch at this point.
Press the seam allowance of the split to the inside and topstitch.
Double turn the hem and topstitch. Alternatively you can neaten the hem with an overlocker/serger, turn in once and topstitch.
Note the bodice has a 2.5cm (1”) waist seam, this becomes the channel for the drawstring tie.
Neaten the base of the bodice with an overlocker/serger. With right sides facing pin the bodice to the skirt using a 1cm (3/8”) skirt seam and the 2.5cm (1”) bodice seam. Refer to the diagram.
Press the bodice seam down onto the skirt and pin in place along the overlocked edge to create a channel for the drawstring, secure with a topstitch.
Press the seam allowances of the short ends and long edges of the tie inwards and then press in half lengthways and sew an edge stitch around the outer edges of the tie and press.
Using a safety pin thread the tie in one buttonhole and through the channel until you arrive at the opposite buttonhole. Pull the tie through and even out the gathered channel.
Press your new cover up.